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Visar inlägg från juni, 2017

Kyrkan och staten i Sverige

För den som eventuellt är intresserad av förhållandet mellan svenska staten och Svenska kyrkan, eller av komplexa relationer mellan stat och civilsamhälle i allmänhet, finns mitt paper om skiljandet mellan Svenska kyrkan och staten nu tillgängligt på internet ( PDF här ), tack vare International Society of Third-Sector Research som har publicerat det i sin serie Working Papers. "During most of the 20th century, the Church of Sweden was a typical example of a northern European national established church. The separation of church and state in Sweden had been discussed repeatedly during most of the century, without reaching an overall solution. However, in the early 1990’s, a compromise was reached, and the relationship between church and state in Sweden was transformed, simultaneously changing the nature of the Church of Sweden itself by apparently transferring it from the public sector to the private sector. This paper offers an analysis of this reform, which came in effect in...